Commit your code early!

You must be thinking, "Well, that's no news. Everybody knows to commit changes every now and then." Well, look here techie, I need you to grab yourself by the collar and shake vigorously like you're about to yank your shirt off while you count one through ten. Done? That's good. I needed you to jolt yourself back to reality.

You might be wondering why there's so much emphasis on committing code regularly, "What's all the fuss about?" After all, you make sure you save your work at every point in time. Well, news flash: Despite saving, unexpected behavior and data loss can still occur. For example, in a situation where a computer is running low on storage, changes made to a code editor may be temporarily stored in the computer's memory but not saved to disc because of space. So, when the computer prompts you to clear up space, of course, you do so. When you return to your code editor, boom! The changes you made are no longer there because they were never saved to disc. Hours of work gone to waste because you didn't make quick commits.

Say this out loud: "Without commits, written code is nothing but mere pletheuzra." (Relax, I just made that up to sound scary). Commits serve as a backup and mode of recovery because regular commits ensure that important work is saved and can be easily recovered in case of loss or damage to the codebase.

A simple git add . and git commit -m "info" into the command line (with a Git version control system preinstalled)when a significant change is made in your code will save you a lot of headaches. Asides serving as backup, early commits help to establish a history of changes in the codebase, making it easier to track and understand the evolution of the project.

Committing code early and often also allows other team members to see what is being worked on, making it easier to coordinate and collaborate effectively.

In summary, remember to always commit your work with the right commit messages as soon as you make changes because failure to do so can make your charger burn....ok i lied it doesn’t affect chargers but you sure will be doing yourself a great disservice when you don’t commit changes fast.